UP (Unity + Peace) Convergence – September 12-18, 2020
Co-Creators Convergence Room
The UP (Unity+Peace) Convergence 2020 was an 8-Day Multi-Zoom Global Online Summit culminating in a 3-Day Peace Weekend, September 19, 2020. The Convergence took place between September 12-18.
The goal of the UP Convergence was to empower each other to move UPward, change the limits of what’s possible, and come together in an unprecedented action to #UniteTheWorld.
ENJOY the contributions listed below, made possible by the Co-Creators Convergence community.
Morning Meditations with Jennifer Evanko
Day 1 Meditation: THE LAW OF PURE POTENTIALITY: https://youtu.be/G-bFKupKlMw
Day 2 Meditation: THE LAW OF GIVING & RECEIVING: https://youtu.be/AEJN8RU9_R8
Day 3 Meditation: THE LAW OF KARMA: https://youtu.be/ZZEKIg7FOoM
Day 4 Meditation: THE LAW OF LEAST EFFORT: https://youtu.be/1s_PnQeSECA
Day 5 Meditation: THE LAW OF LAW OF INTENTION AND DESIRE: https://youtu.be/7YSs344UiiM
Day 6 Meditation: THE LAW OF DETACHMENT: https://youtu.be/Lxu68mSf_F0
Day 7 Meditation: THE LAW OF DHARMA: https://youtu.be/Kd69bwRd8-0
The JOSEPH Communications with Michael G. Reccia
BOOK REVIEW ~ Revelation - A Book to Change Your World & Ilumination - Revealed - The Power to Transform Yourself and This Planet: https://youtu.be/NBI23-zS3_c
BOOK REVIEW ~ Your Life After Death - If you only read one spiritual book in your lifetime, make it this one. & the Fall - Eons ago something happened ...and you were there!: https://youtu.be/WuDOJrBbJfk
BOOK REVIEW ~ From Here To Infinity - Transform your perspective, your life, your world. & The Spaces Between - Prepare yourself for an eye-opening odyssey through magical, metaphysical realities.: https://youtu.be/aMckQByOMaQ
The End of Humanity?: https://youtu.be/vN6FjRv2ie4
BOOK REVIEW ~ Trance Mission - At twelve remarkable public trance demonstrations, the highly evolved spirit Joseph revealed his global mission. & Many Voices, One Mission - A million souls are waiting to inspire you.: https://youtu.be/lyhEITqNMSw
Three Vital Gifts from the AfterLife: https://youtu.be/rsVauUwcrd0
LIVE SESSION with Michael G Reccia and Noel Marshall: https://youtu.be/bvS-eyVLtxI
HE+Art Hour
SPIRIT CLUB for CHILDREN with Victoria Friedman: https://youtu.be/bp43-UHpv-A
How Great THOU Art! with Marcia McCartney: https://youtu.be/mFtBRAzY0Yk
"LAUGHTER MATTERS" fa-silli-tated by Rev. Marcia McCartney: https://youtu.be/9f41UlOB-yE
Free The Inner Child BFFs with Sharon Makhmour: https://youtu.be/vCTUAdS8t74
Art Hour
ARTISTS – What Makes Them Tick? ~ Panelists: Claude Charlebois, Annamaria Cacioli, Cecilia Soprano, Vincent Lyn with Victoria Friedman: https://youtu.be/XBGFFnfDLc4
Creativity as a Mind Expansion with Claude Charlebois and Victoria Friedman: https://youtu.be/ufEt38HS4ic
Adult & Children's Clay Workshop with Artist/Sculptor Robin Nicole: https://youtu.be/VA0vc9S3B1A
Robin's World of Multidimensional Art with Robin Nicole: https://youtu.be/v1l_5OYPzyw
MetaArt and Ocular Meditation with Lee Ann Fortunato-Heltzel: https://youtu.be/QTFo2AVHryg
Can Art Save the World? - TedX with JR: https://www.ted.com/talks/jr_my_wish_use_art_to_turn_the_world_inside_out?language=en
Literary Art Hour with Reina-Shay Broussard
Discussion & Readings with Kim Davis, Erika Lee Sengstack, Katherine Alexander: https://youtu.be/qDlZ4APlHUA
Interview & readings with Johnnie Bernhard: https://youtu.be/KgndAehk8DY
Writing Experience with Dena DeLuco: https://youtu.be/5ogYANelnRo
Interview and reading by Kim Conrad: https://youtu.be/pp5qNHxB66M
Interview and reading by Gina Mazza: https://youtu.be/Gegdih67Qms
“Awesome Creativity of the Invisible” with Victoria & Ron Friedman: https://youtu.be/mnxxAVuf88Q
UP Literary Arts Hour “Open Mic” Panel: https://youtu.be/LDYTuV0juS0
Heart Hour with Karen Triujillo-Heffernan
Sovereign Love and Relationships with Tatiana Fontalvo: https://youtu.be/2ut2-CtQOmY
HeartThread for Unity with Karen Triujillo-Heffernan: https://youtu.be/6OX_okFCjik
What is a MesoAmerican Sweat Lodge? with Julie McGaharan: https://youtu.be/fn7ngcbRRAw
The New Earth Council of 12 with Raphael Weisman: https://youtu.be/9V0s9kFdhQs
You are a Superhero with Cherie Doyen: https://youtu.be/wNUPlB0Gy1s
Heart Intelligence and Emotional Evolution: Humanity's Next Threshold with Dana Tomasino: https://youtu.be/c8bFFCNPkmk
Peace Hour with Laurie Timmermann
World BEYOND War: A Global Security System: https://youtu.be/skH0Vv4HLu8
Bearing Witness: The Costs of War and Oppression in Human Suffering and Societal Upheaval: https://youtu.be/Lll4nUeMNSs
Peace Dividend: Funding Food, Water, Health, Education, and Livelihoods for All: https://youtu.be/3HraHXIA-1o
Breakthrough Policies: Conversation with Eleanor LeCain: https://youtu.be/HCyGgvfb_Sw
Frontlines: How to Bring Healing Among Nations with Bonnie Mansdorf: https://youtu.be/E5sG1_7LhwE
It’s Much More Fun to Be a Global Citizen: https://youtu.be/rzQJaS0tCeE
Telling the Story of Peace Culture with Susan Beaver Thompson: https://youtu.be/ODRiQNmEOIo
Adventures in Consciousness and Damanhur ~ hosted by Jennifer Evanko
“As Above, So Below” with Jennifer Evanko: https://youtu.be/KllBLuryj0s
Re-Inventing Yourself in these Fluid Times of Transformation with Shama Viola: https://youtu.be/dXO2g0ajb2Y
Spiritual View on Current Situation Worldwide with Crótalo Sésamo: https://youtu.be/H7bOoV9XM_M
"Alchemy of Her” with Esperide Ananas Ametista: https://youtu.be/3-C70nPIDhk
MOVIE ~ “Damanhur - Community of the Future”: https://youtu.be/inFc9_zAPpA
Awake2Oneness with Caroline Chang
The TRUTH of Who We Are with David Icke: https://youtu.be/o-LxKgIoPro This video has been removed for violating YouTube's Community Guidelines - aka "censorship"
The Solution to All the World Problems: https://youtu.be/Hu9lTdEHfVw
Unity Within Diversity - 2020 The Year of Clear Vision: https://youtu.be/SNYoK5gCQME
My Journey to Healing with KYLE with Caroline Chang: https://youtu.be/FKnq5RuyCq0
Replays of World Unity Week Sessions
Adventures in Consciousness with Jean Houston and Jennifer Evanko:
https://youtu.be/itP3FG4lLXI?list=PLvnmsf6NYCiXQCfKXcr6F-v2ctbIEDn0c -
Jane's Dancing Hands with Jane Sibbett:
https://youtu.be/mMw_fSX5ME0?list=PLvnmsf6NYCiXQCfKXcr6F-v2ctbIEDn0c -
Marianne Williamson, Author, Spiritual Activist, Political Reformer:
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