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Many of our CCC soul family clearly demonstrate - in many ways - a desire to make our grandchildren’s' world a more livable place.  For some, it's meditation, visioning and/or prayer - which lifts up a more loving, just and sustainable future. For others, it's a personal commitment to living a low-impact life.  For some of us, both.


After our Convergence 2016 theme of connecting with and supporting Gaia, it seems we, as a community, can do more to demonstrate our larger commitment to Our Common Mother.


For this reason, we are offering a number of ideas and guidelines we would like to suggest to bring the Co-Creators Convergence into further consciousness and "greening."  There are things we can do individually, as a collective in our planning and execution of our gathering and invite our host facility to focus on.  Please understand none of this is to judge anyone's behavior or actions.  This is about inviting all of us to raise our awareness about the environmental and social cost of us gathering - and to change what we can.


Below are some ideas for your consideration  We invite you to think about these ideas and other we might include. 




There are inherent environmental and social "costs" in folks traveling to and participating in

events.  There are many things each of us can do to Be Aware and mitigate our personal impact on the environment.  Almost everything you can do "at home" to be a better world environmental citizen, you can do as you travel to in-person gatherings:

  • Thoughtfulness in the use of single-use plastic (plastic bags, straws, etc.), syrofoam left-over food containers and using available re-cycle/up-cycle programs.

  • Consider eliminating - or at least, reducing - animal products from your diet. A planet-based diet is one of the biggest opportunity to reduce green-house gases from Our Common Home - and it is healthier, too.  Maybe start by going “vegetarian” while at CCC this year!

  • At our gatherings: please bring and use your re-fillable water container.  Turn the water off when you brush your teeth, just like you do at home.  (But, please…DO brush your teeth!)

  • Carbon-footprint of our travel.

    • If you are driving, buy a Tesla, or at least a Prius Prime Plug-In by the end of this month!  Seriously, everything we can do at home, we can do on our trip to the Convergence. Car-pool. Drive conservatively.

    • Flying...or driving?  What is the carbon-footprint of your travel and what can you do to offset it?  Check out a calculator and consider if you can balance your travel impact. (See:

    •   Maybe you can plant trees by becoming a member of TreeSisters.  (

  • Many of our CCC family host events and attend events regularly.  You can make a difference at EVERY one of these events!  The Climate Reality Project has guidelines to make events more sustainable. If you would like copies of these resource papers for your use with future events, contact Climate Reality Leader Bob Warner at or Sheila Blake at

  • In summary...this is about our awareness of what we CAN do as individuals and bringing our consciousness to showing our caring by our action - for the future of the planet.




Those responsible for planning our CCC gathering they are doing all they can to consider how we can reduce the negative impact of our gathering.  They have reviewed Climate Reality's "Sustainable Sourcing Checklist" to evaluate a number of changes that can be made in our planning and facilitation of the Convergence that will lower our carbon footprint.


  • This includes our "decorating" for the event.  For example:  Can we recycle, up-cycle and re-use materials from years past...or items that participant already have – rather than purchasing more?  Is buying more "throw-away" stuff from Dollar General that was made by child labor in China and shipped halfway ‘round the world really what we want to support? We also are/will be asking participants to contribute certain items to our decorating desires.

  • Each year, the Co-Creators Convergence community makes a donation to a worthy and appropriate cause, movement or organization as a demonstration of our commitment to a future world that serves everyone and honors our Common Home - Spaceship Earth.  This contribution is also a symbolic gesture to partially off-set the greenhouse gas footprint of our gathering. Our participants are invited to make their own off-set commitments.

  • In 2017, we made a CCC contribution of $555.55 to to support their continuing re-forestation programs.

  • In 2018, we made a CCC contribution of $333.33 to Forum 21, an organization which sponsored the Original Caretakers Ceremonial Visit to the United States in September 2018, as the Indigenous Caretakers blessed multiple sacred waters and sites and represented the cry of Nature at the Global Climate Action Summit in California.

  • In 2019, we made a contribution of $333.00 to Our Childrens’ Trust, a non-profit supporting the lawsuit against the President and the Federal government to denying their Constitutional Rights to a safe and healthy future.

  • In 2021, we made a contribution of $111.00 to One Tree Planted, a non-profit with a vision to make it simple for anyone to help the environment by planting trees. Together we can restore forests, create habitat for biodiversity, and make a positive social impact around the world.

  • In 2022, we made a contribution of $222.22 to Ocean Blue Project, a non-profit ocean conservation and a nonprofit environmental organization founded by tribal members of the Choctaw Nation to organize ocean cleanup volunteers and the communities helping to create a cleaner blue ocean by lowering the amount of plastic pollution.




We would like to honor and appreciate all that Sunrise Ranch AND THE St. John Retreat Center have done over the decades and are doing to support the planet and humans' sustainable behavior.  It is this continuing commitment, in fact, that is one of the reasons we were originally attracted to the Ranch and the Center and why we continue to return.



Thank you for all you BE, do and will do

for Our Mother Earth and Her Waters...

and Our Grandchildren.

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