2014 CCC Teleconference Replay Directory
December 18, 2014: Mary Reed
December 4, 2014: Nina Patrick hosting Penney Peirce on Leap of Perception
November 20, 2014: Victoria and Ron Friedman (Vistar Foundation) on Teachings of G.I. Gurdjieff
November 6, 2014: Darlis Mayes on Mary Magdalene (Glastonbury and Egypt Journeys)
October 16, 2014: Shelley Darling hosting Samavesha-Gayatri Devi
October 2, 2014: Mark Porteus hosting Ken Stone, the Soul Archeologist
September 18, 2014: CoCreators Convergence 2014 Reunion Call
September 4, 2014: DiNahMa Machado hosting Lynn McCallum
August 24, 2014: Shelley Darling hosting Katherine Parker on Resonance Alchemy
August 7, 2014: Reunion Call - Sacred Pilgrimage to England with Joseph Rosado and Nina Patrick
July 17, 2014: Shelley Darling and Julie Krull
July 3, 2014: Glenn Head
June 19, 2014: Post-Convergence sharing
May 15, 2014: Co-creative Community sharing
May 1, 2014: Anne Sermons Gillis speaking on EZosophy
April 17, 2014: Michael Combs, Hope For The Human Spirit
April 3, 2014: Marian & Glenn with Barbara Marx Hubbard
March 20, 2014: Mark Porteous with Victoria & Ron Freidman
March 6, 2014: Mark Porteous hosting Dr. Karen Wyatt, End-Of-Life University
February 20, 2014: Co-creative Community sharing
February 6, 2014: Shelley Darling hosting Katie Teague, filmmaker: Life & Money
January 2, 2014: Linda Rosenthal and DiNahma Machado