The Gospel of Jesus and the Art of Living –
According to the Urantia Revelation
with Byron Belitsos
hosted by Noel Marshall
Thursday, October 24, 2024
5:00pm Pacific / 6:00pm Mountain /
7:00pm Central / 8:00pm Eastern
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This talk takes inspiration from the unique story of Rodan, a distinguished first-century Greek philosopher from Alexandria, Egypt. We are told in The Urantia Book that Rodan personally met Jesus, recognized his divinity, and embraced the new gospel. The Urantia text goes on to provide extensive coverage of Rodan's inspiring philosophy in its relation to Jesus's core teachings. We'll discuss the deep synergy between the original gospel of love and Rodan's wisdom regarding the art of successful living, and we'll experience the method of mystic meditation Jesus himself used—as described by Rodan for the first time in the Urantia Revelation.
Byron Belitsos is an award-winning publisher and the author or editor of many books, including Birth 2012 by Barbara Marx Hubbard, plus many titles related to The Urantia Book, including most recently Your Evolving Soul: The Cosmic Spirituality of the Urantia Revelation (2017), winner of a Nautilus Silver Award. As a leading exponent of The Urantia Book, Byron has spoken widely on Urantia cosmology and spirituality, including appearances on GaiamTV and Coast-to-Coast AM Radio. He holds a B.A. in intellectual history from the University of Chicago and an M.A. in systematic theology at Union Theological Seminary. He was also an inaugural member of Ken Wilber’s Integral Institute.