Co-creating Sacred Peace
Pura Vida in Costa Rica
Dear Reader, let’s wander and wonder at the legacy of visionary Barbara Marx Hubbard. First, you may ask: What is this legacy group Co-Creators Convergence (CCC)? (www.cocreatorsconvergence.com)
It can be described as an ever-evolving co-creative space where we explore Barbara’s ageless question: What is YOUR gift to the shift in Humanity? It was “birthed” in 2013 when Barbara received the Spiritual Leadership Award from Humanity’s Team. Since that time, CCC has been lovingly stewarded by “LightPartners” Dr. Noel Marshall and Bob Warner (www.LightPartners.org). Since then, co-creators attracted to this space have shared their gifts online, weekly.
Additionally, once a year, we gather in “Presence”, sharing gifts based on a theme selected for our gathering. This year, to celebrate our 10th anniversary, CCC journeyed to Costa Rica uplifting an anthem of “Sacred Peace”. This was made possible by the efforts of LightPartners and two other Co-Creators who have resided in Costa Rica for over 40 years each: Gail Nystrom and Rosemary Zitek. In humility, I share the blessedness of this circle.
Our experience together started four months before gathering in San Jose on October 21st. CCC held monthly calls that prepared us for our convergence on many realms. On one of the calls, we learned that we were invited to visit La Carpio, the largest upwardly mobile poverty community in Central America populated by 25,000 Nicaraguan refugees, on Day 1 of our gathering. We made a plan!
La Carpio is home to the Costa Rica Humanitarian Foundation (www.crhf.org) a non-profit that Gail established over 25 years ago. It was a joy, therefore, to pack two suitcases: one for ourselves and one for CRHF full of shoes, clothes, hygiene items and cleats for the soccer team among other treasures. The real treasure, however, was not the material things we brought. It was sharing community with the residents who played and danced with us, fed us and put on a play “In the Time I have Left” which left not a dry eye in the audience. Please watch Tami Briggs (https://musicalreflections.com) enchant the children with “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” on her peace harp. Our hearts were burst open that first day… the peace vortex began to spin.
It is impossible - and probably boring - to list a daily log of offerings so let’s wonder at the magnificence of only a taste of our spiral of experiences.
The sun rises early in Costa Rica, so bright and early on Day 2 we loaded the CRHF bus and were bound for the University for Peace (www.upeace.org) in Ciudad Colon. After an informative visit at Earth Charter (www.earthcharter.org) “turning conscience into action for a thriving earth”, we dedicated a peace pole on their shared campuses. Fumi Johns-Stewart, Executive Director of World Peace (www.worldpeace.org) lead a flag ceremony on the parade grounds of “UPAZ”. We prayed for peace in all nations, lands and indigenous regions. As we began the weather was clear and bright, however, as we began to pray for the Middle East, the skies clouded up and rain gently joined our tears. At the conclusion of praying for the Middle East the skies cleared. The vortex accelerated literally and figuratively and some even found themselves in altered states. And this was only Day 2 of 7!
After two extremely powerful and intense days, we journeyed southeast from San Jose to the picturesque Orosi Valley. Its beauty is hugged by mountainous volcanos and fragrant with verdant vegetation fed by abundant waterways. In the city of Cartago we visited the Basilica of Our Lady of the Angels. According to legend, in 1635, a young girl found a small, black stone statue of the Madonna with a child on a rock in a forest outside the city that has become known as “La Negrita” or the black Madonna. We are instantly infused with the mystical energy of this city and its Patron Saint.
Onward once again, we arrived at the quaint village of Orosi at another gem in the Orosi Valley: the private retreat center known as “El Minifundo”. Thankfully, CoCreator Rosemary Zitek serves on its Administrative Council and made us welcomed. After settling in for our 5-day convergence in this sacred space, we were treated to a thermal bath immersion that this town is so famous for at Hacienda Orosi (www.haciendaorosi.com) . Our joy was not contained as we unwound from days of travels as well as so many heart-opening experiences.
Our gracious hosts pampered us with beauty on all levels from the beautiful rooms and gardens to the delicious food saturated with love and respect. Cradled in these magical environs, we gathered in circle and began each day with an Essene Angelology reading, meditation, conversation and CoCreative offerings. At the center of our circle we built an altar that not only celebrated earth elements but, because of the time of year (Day of the Dead, All Souls Day, All Saints Days, etc.), we each brought a memento of loved ones to join and inspire our circle.
Each day was an elixir of offerings that deepened our mission to bring the spirit of peace not only to ourselves but to all realms of creation. Experiences included time travel imaging, a ceremony celebrating release from grief to peace, and holotropic breathwork just to name a few. We also learned how to play “The Conversation Game” (https://theconversationsgame.com/) with the game’s creator: Barry Auchettl. The “game” enriched the quality of genuine heart-dialogue that was profoundly additive to our collective transformative experience, especially among those new to CCC.
Our rest from travel didn’t last too long. It was time to board the “rock star” bus and climb the mountain to the Guayabo National Monument located near the city of Turrialba in Central Costa Rica. Guayabo is an archeological marvel with mounds that were only discovered in the late 1800’s. It is believed that at its peak, around 10.000 people lived in this ancient city. The first settlers, mostly likely Mayans, came to these parts around 1000 BC and had created a bustling city by 800 AD. Some say that this is the meeting place for indigenous groups to meet and is the founding of Costa Rica.
Our peace ceremony here was led by CoCreator’s Renee Renick (https://www.facebook.com/reneerenick5), Shaman, owner of Earth Keeper’s Alchemy. She is certified in Mayan Light Language and presented each of us with a personalized peace grid. The Mayan elders of the lands were clearly present with us – some making themselves known by downing a tree for us to hear! The leaf cutter ants were also fascinating. We saw the way they cooperated and cocreated peaceful, industrious communities. Once again, mystery and magic and the ethereal were present with our Presence.
Throughout our gathering, we also enjoyed evening documentaries about peacemakers who inspired us: Barbara Marx Hubbard, proponent of a U.S. Department of Peace; Kasturba Gandhi, credited by Gandhi for teaching him about non-violent movements; Garry Davis, World Citizen; and last, but not least: Peace Pilgrim (born Mildred Norman) who walked over 25,000 miles for peace criss-crossing the United States for 28 years.
At the conclusion of our stay at El Minifundo, we celebrated an Essene dinner the last night. We were dressed in white and ate a simple meal in silence. Afterwards we retired to the living room of the House of the Masters. Once again, Tami enchanted us as she played her peace harp. The final blessing was the sweet operatic voice of Rev. Rebecca Suzik who sang Ave Maria. An exquisite valediction to our Orosi home.
After departing El Minifundo, we made our way back to San Jose. Now, Peace Pilgrim became the focus of our final seva experience. Gail had rescued a life-size statue of Peace from a University storage room where she was broken and missing both arms. Our mission – and we accepted – was to install Peace in an indoor grotto at the Peace Center (Centro de Amigos para la Paz https://www.facebook.com/CentroAmigosPaz/ ) in downtown San Jose. Additionally, we planted a peace pole and potted flowers to beautify the Center. It was a joyful celebration and appreciated by the 40-year-old organization. However, our gathering never really ended!
The Peace Pilgrim seva was intended to be the last event of our gathering; indeed some were off to further explore this beautiful Country. About half of us, however, had no further plans. We were excited, therefore, to learn that the Centre also ran a peace hostel! We decided to stay and enjoy the convenience to downtown San Jose and the marvelous museums. We paid a paltry price of $17/night which included a freshly prepared hearty breakfast and (sometimes) hot water for our showers! We enjoyed staying at what we considered a peace museum where we could easily gather and continue to process the depths of our time together and plan for future peace activities upon our returns home. We also took time to judge the International Peace Pals Art Contest (www.peacepalsinternational.org).
Hold on! Another miracle came to call. Luis, the night clerk, shared that before our group came, the Centre was thinking of closing permanently. Indeed, there had not been enough income for workers to be paid the previous month. However, since we came – and stayed – the Centre became financially solvent once again. Luis went on to say that our group brought them a miracle and hope that they can continue to serve and be a place for peace and hospitality in the future. It’s like the Miracle on 34th Street! We didn’t have a clue but followed our guidance to stay - and stay together. We co-created a peace vortex and were transformed: we, the CoCreators, became Peace Pilgrim’s arms.
May Peace Prevail on Earth – Que la Paz Prevalezca in the Tierra.
Find out more about the:
CoCreators Convergence here: www.cocreatorsconvergence.com
The Costa Rica Humanitarian Foundation here: www.CRHF.org
ElMinifundo: orosiminifundo@gmail.com
Centro for Paz’s hostel: https://hostel-casa-ridgway.san-jose-hotels-cr.net/en/