2023 CCC "Creator Convos" Replay Directory
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December 28: Hope in a Troubled World with Susan Stark Christianson hosted by Noel Marshall & Bob Warner
December 21: Children's Books of Love and Care with Victoria Friedman & Riane Eisler hosted by Noel Marshall & Bob Warner
December 14: Emotional Empowerment and Peace with Teri Angel hosted by MarBeth Dunn
December 7: Conscious Communication - EASY Method with Gary Goodhue hosted by Noel Marshall & Bob Warner
November 30: Get Right With Your Soul. Your Life and Work Will Follow with Meghan Gilroy hosted by Rita Marsh
November 23: OPEN MIC! Gratitude Gathering with Noel and Bob
November16: Gratitude for Neighbors with Rev. Dr. Vicki Garlock hosted by Noel Marshall
November 9: Catalyze Your Sacred Future Human in the NOW with Janice Hall hosted by Noel Marshall
November 2: Footprint of a Heart with Shayla “Kiddo” Paradeis hosted by
October 26: Soul expression through Channeled Music with Ernestine Day hosted by Reina Shay Broussard
October 19: Rock Your Midlife: 7 Steps to Transform Yourself with Dr. Ellen Albertson hosted by Kathy Mason
October 12: Quantum Healing Explained with Bonnie Burd hosted by Rachelle Gehman
October 5: Evolutionary Relationship: Unleashing the Power of Mutual Awakening with Patricia Albere hosted by Laura George
September 28: Climate Change, Feedback Loops, Tipping Points and Nonlinear Relationships with Gar Bergstedt hosted by Kathy Mason
September 21: Memories, Dreams, Reflections with Cynthia Marsh hosted by Kathy Mason
September 14: Access Your Enlightened Self with Erica Blackbear hosted by Noel Marshall
September 7: The Golden Rule, Sailing for a Nuclear-Free World & a Peaceful Sustainable Future with Helen Jaccard hosted by Noel Marshall
August 31: "Compass of Hope" Playshop & Celebration with Dr. Cynthia Clayton hosted by Noel Marshall
August 24: POSTPONED ~ Access Your Enlightened Self with Erica Blackbear hosted by Noel Marshall
August 17: Beyond the Veil: Luminous Lessons from NDEs and STEs with Victoria Reynolds, Shaun Martin, Bri Lafferty, Vicki Werner hosted by Kathy Mason
August 10: Journey to the Source of Creativity with Patricia Daly-Lipe hosted by Noel Marshall
August 3: 21 Day World Peace Experiment with Marbeth Dunn and Teri Angel hosted by
July 27: Awakening to Wholeness: The Healing Power of Love with Patricia Grabow hosted by Kathy Mason
July 20: Birthing a Paradigm Shift From Mental Illness to Evolution with Hilary Van Welter hosted by Danielea Castell
July 13: After the Afterlife: Memories of My Past Lives with Kelvin Chin hosted by Noel Marshall
July 6: Climate Advocacy as a Form of Planetary Consciousness with Stephen Dynako hosted by Shelley Darling
June 29: Angels, Compassion and Love with Michael Andre Ford hosted by Kathy Mason
June 22: Reigniting Our Human Story of Fierce Hope with Joe Weston hosted by Gina Mazza
June 15: Reality Crafting in World Service with Suzanna Kennedy hosted by Kathy Mason
June 8: Online Reading Party with Psychic Medium Rachelle Gehman hosted by Noel Marshall
June 1: The Invisible Garment with Connie Kaplan hosted by Cathy Roberts
May 25: Power of Sound: Raising the Vibration of the Mass Consciousness with Jeanne White Eagle hosted by Lee Ann Fortunato-Heltzel
May 18: Communication and CoCreation with the Nature Elders with Danielea Castell hosted by Hilary Van Welter
May 11: CoCreating Sacred Peace - Pura Vida in Costa Rica with Bob Warner, Gail Nystrom, Noel Marshall & Rosemary Zitek
May 4: FIERCE Consciousness: Surviving the Sorrows of Earth and Self with Trebbe Johnson hosted by Bob Warner
April 27: Intuitive Imagery: Accessing Your Inner Genius on Demand with John Brady Pehrson hosted by Lee Ann Fortunato-Heltzel
April 20: Empowered Healing, Nourishing the Nervous System, & the Role of Psychedelics with Julie Devilbiss hosted by Rita Marsh
April 13: The Law of Polarity (or WTF Is Happening?) with Rev. Laura George hosted by Maginel Galt
April 6: Nepal Is Calling, photography by D. J. HInman with Dr. Donald J. Hinman hosted by Dr. Noel Marshall
March 30: From Audacity to Courage: An Interfaith Case for Social Justice with Tahil Sharma hosted by Bob Warner
March 23: The Path of the Spiritual Warrior with Raphael Weisman hosted by Karen Trujillo-Heffernan
March 16: Everything is Energy: Want to Work with Yours? with Fran Bailey hosted by Kathy Mason
March 9: Apology Ceremonies to the Original Peoples & their Ancestors - Global Grid with Mare Cromwell hosted by Noel Marshall and Bob Warner
March 2: Rise of the Divine Feminine and the Importance of Mary Magdalene with Christy Michaels hosted by Noel Marshall and Bob Warner
February 23: Interstellar University Vision, Scope and Purpose with Jeanne White Eagle Pehrson hosted by LeeAnn Heltzel
February 16: Costa Rica Humanitarian Foundation with Gail Nystrom hosted by Noel Marshall and Bob Warner
February 9: The Heartfelt Medium book - How to Develop Your Mediumship Naturally with Rachelle Gehman hosted by Kathy Mason
February 2: Deep CoCreation for Activating Divine Potential with Sheri Herndon hosted by Rev. Laura George
January 26: Personal Heart Power: Transforming to a Love-Focused Life with Grace Lynn & Michelle Marie hosted by Kathy Mason
January 19: Integrating Our Many Selves with Sheryl Sitts hosted by Gail Hawley
January 12: Help make the IMPACT as we Gather Healers Globally to Heal a Heart, a Nation, a World with Bunny Sings Wolf hosted by Cate Roberts
January 5: Cosmic Synchronicity: Mayan Wisdom with Annie Spade hosted by Noel Marshall