2022 CCC "Creator Convos" Replay Directory
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December 22: 10th Anniversary of Birth 2012 ~ with the Co-Creators Convergence Community hosted by Bob Warner and Noel Marshall
December 15: Unconscious Conscious Co-Creation with Maureen Edwardson hosted by Noel Marshall
December 8: All About: WE, the World with Jana Larsen, hosted by Noel Marshall
December 1: Connecting to Your Soul Tribe with Mark Porteous, Lisa Engles Witter and Ronda Renee
November 17: The Shifting Godhead & Law of Gender with Laura George hosted by Gina Mazza
November 10: Becoming One: Holographic DNA & Embodying Infinity with Geraldine Orozco hosted by Phil Gruber
October 27: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Miracles (But Were Afraid to Ask) with Maureen Whitehouse hosted by Mark Porteous
October 20: Universal Secrets Revealed: Use Sacred Geometry Principles to Empower Your Life with Gail & Gregory Hoag hosted by Mark Porteous
October 13: Your Ancestors Have Waited Your Whole Life for THIS Moment! with Amy Gillespie Dougherty hosted by Carolyn McGee
October 6: New Earth Empires with Ty Gold hosted by Noel Marshall
October 1: How to get to a World BEYOND War with David Swanson hosted by Ben Bowler
September 29: What is Non-Duality and How is it Ultimately Practical? with Ron & Victoria Friedman hosted by Bob Warner
September 22: Exploring Angelology: the Essene Communions with the Angels with Rosemary Zitek hosted by Noel Marshall
September 15: Understanding the Hue-Man Soul with Hillis Pugh hosted by Kathy Mason
September 8: Next Month's News Now! with Angelia LaRue hosted by Kathy Mason
September 3: A Path To Remembrance with A'Marie B. Thomas-Brown hosted by Noel Marshall
September 1: INSPIRED LIVING: Superpowers for Health, Love and Business with Carolyn McGee hosted by Mark Porteous
August 25: The Continuing Saga of the Indigo Children with Philip Louis Gruber hosted by Jodi Serota
August 18: The Miracle of Scalar Light- A New Era of Remote Healing with Tom Paladino hosted by Kathy Mason
August 11: Being Authentic is Your SUPER POWER! with Cheryl Murphy hosted by Rita Marsh
August 6 : Conversation with Cancer with Dr. Tom Acklin hosted by Haseena Patel
August 4: From the Mundane to the Miraculous: Assessing the Trust Frequency Through the Liminal Odessey with Connie Baxter Marlow and Sande Hart
July 28: Journey into the Heart of Creativity with Patricia Daly-Lipe hosted by Dr. Janet Smith Warfield
July 21: A Long Journey - African Astronomy Contributions with Mike Frisch hosted by Bob Warner
July 14: From Fear-Mongering to Joy-Producing Community Action with Joy Gilfilen hosted by Kim Conrad
July 9 : Federation of DAMANHUR: A Living Laboratory for the Future of Humanity with Crotalo Sesamo hosted by Jennifer Evanko
July 7: Conversations from the Sunray Peace Village with Rev. Meli hosted by Dr. Olivia Cheever
June 30: The Mysteries of the Crystal Skulls with Jodi Serota hosted by Joan of Angels (Hangarter)
June 23: The Evolutionary Dance - Because You Can't Get There from Here! Stories and Ritual with Rev. Carol Kilby, Ret. hosted by Noel Marshall
June 18-25: CoCreators Global Village at World Unity Week
June 9: Soul Fire with Mz. imani White hosted by Cathy Roberts
June 4: The Salmon Way and Three Ways to Facilitate Peace at Local, National and International Levels with Prof. Jordi Palou-Loverdos hosted by Olivia Cheever
June 2: What happened before the Big Bang? with Sarbmeet Singh Kanwal, PhD hosted by Viola Olsen
May 26: Christ is Not a Person with Gary Springfield hosted by Rita Marsh
May 19: Relevant, Resilient, Right-Relationed with Kat Haber hosted by Noel Marshall
May 12: Wise Beyond Your Fears with Sherryl Lin Taylor hosted by Noel Marshall
May 7: The Power of Words to Create with Kim Conrad hosted by Joy Gilfilen
May 5: Awakening Your Codes of Consciousness with Jodi Serota hosted by Kathy Mason
April 28: The 7 Blessings of Human Experience - A Conversation with Author Simran Singh hosted by Jennifer Evanko
April 21: Dancing with the Goddess Corona with Becky Suzik hosted by Bob Warner
April 14: Aligning Our Rhythms with Patrick Heffernan hosted by Noel Marshall
April 7: One Person Can Change the World with Courtney Bohlman hosted by Bob Warner
April 2: Break Down to Break Through: A Cosmic Way Forward with Jennifer Morgan hosted by Imogene Drummond
March 31: Journey into the Heart of Divine with Dafna Mordecai hosted by Joan of Angels (Hangarter)
March 24: Finding Meaning through Meeting Death with Sharon Coyle-Saeed hosted by Kelvin Chin
March 17: Consciousness Revolution with Jon Turk hosted by Rita Marsh
March 10: Return to the Birthplace of the Gods with Shelley Darling hosted by Noel Marshall
March 5: Personal Sovereignty Through Healing - The Mind-body-spirit Connection with Haseena Patel hosted by Kim Conrad
March 3: Mystical Gifts from Past Life Experiences with Dr. Pamela Gerali hosted by Kathy Mason
February 24: The Shadow of a Bass Man: The Paul McCartney Story with Anne Walsh hosted by Kathy Mason
February 17: Sacred Balance Global Grid with Mare Cromwell hosted by Noel Marshall
February 10: How and Why To Do A Conscious Act of Peacemaking with Barbe Chambliss hosted by Rita Marsh
February 5: Ancient Wisdom: Remembering Who We Are with Anne Spade hosted by Becky Suzik
February 3: Lessons from the Scottish Wild Cat: Uncovering delusion, finding clarity and taking appropriate Action. Moving from Realization and Indigenous Knowing with Grandmother Mari Fix McEwen hosted by Patricia Anne Davis
January 27: Overcoming the Fear of Death: Through Each of the 4 Main Belief Systems with Kelvin Chin hosted by Kathy Mason/Noel Marshall
January 20: How to Step Into the MIRACULOUS with Joan Hangarter hosted by Kathy Mason
January 13: Stop Negative Thinking! CoCreate the New Species of Humans with Barbara Ireland hosted by Kimberly Clark Sharp
January 8: Living Your Full Potential as a Member of a New Species with Sheri Herndon hosted by Noel Marshall
January 6: Regenerative System Resetting with Alana Marsh hosted by Jenny Bowler