2021 CCC "Creator Convos" Replay Directory
CLICK on the session title to go to the recording !
CLICK on name to go to conversationalist's website !
December 30: Re-Experiencing BIRTH 2012 ~ Part Two hosted by Noel Marshall & Bob Warner
December 23: Re-Experiencing BIRTH 2012 ~ Part One hosted by Noel Marshall & Bob Warner
December 16: Deep Listening at Mungo Lake with Jenny Bowler hosted by Annie Spade
December 9: Near Death Experience, Mysticism, and the World with Peter Panagore hosted by Kathy Mason
December 2: Nurturing Co-Creativity in an Evolving Cosmos with Imogene Drummond hosted by Tex Albert
November 25: Edgar Cayce on Gratitude and Thanksgiving Rebroadcast of John VanAuken and CCC Community Aftertalk hosted by Noel Marshall
November 18: Forgiveness, Cruelty and Conscious Love with Kelvin Chin hosted by Kathy Mason
November 11: Indigenous Ceremonial Change Process for Designing Co-Creative Solutions with Patricia Anne Davis hosted by Becky Suzik
November 4: Ending Racism Masterclass with Dr. Richard Shealey & Tez Gabriel hosted by Tex Albert
October 28: Peace Work: Building Community Around Passions with Nicole Pollet hosted by Tex Albert / Annie Spade
October 21: Conscious Partnership, Spiritual Nomads, & Divine Purpose in Evolutionary Times with Patricia Campanile / Dario Campanile hosted by Pamela Gerali
October 14: Weaving a Basket of Peace: Sunray, Indigenous Peoples and the International Community with Sandra Sheridan hosted by Olivia Cheever
October 7: One way to embody peace ! ! ! with Elizabeth Valentine & Olivia Cheever
September 30: Discover Your Divine Blueprint and Ignite Your Spiritual Potential with Dr. Pamela Gerali hosted by Kathy Mason
September 23: Animals in the Afterlife with Kimberly Clark Sharp hosted by Noel Marshall
September 16: Synchronicity, Dreams and Hidden Secrets with Steven Ross hosted by Jennifer Evanko
September 9: JoyFUEL ACTIVATE! with Becky Suzik hosted by Bob Warner
September 2: Everything Is Here To Be Created with Ayelet Baron & Dr. Natalie Dyer hosted by Noel Marshall and Bob Warner
August 26: Physical Ascension Through Embodiment with David Maria hosted by Kathy Mason
August 19: Mythopoetic Education for Co-Creative Agency with Orla O'Reilly Hazra hosted by Annie Spade & Tex J.G. Albert
August 12: Success and Wealth... with Ease with Marc Allen hosted by Cynthia Diane Clayton
August 5: An NDE life Preview, the Emerald City and the Shoe on the Ledge with Kimberly Clark Sharp hosted by Kathy Mason
July 29: Go Walk Yourself: Walking and Talking for Wellness and Connection with Laura Conely hosted by Noel Marshall and Bob Warner
July 22: Building Communities that Matter with Isabel Hundt & Ayelet Baron hosted by Noel Marshall
July 15: Understanding the Science & Mystery of Human Lightbody with Cynthia Diane Clayton (Karima) hosted by Noel Marshall
July 8: The Power of Your Words with Dr Janet Smith Warfield hosted by Bob Warner
July 1: Gifts of the Magi Room Review with Dr. Jean Houston Keynote (Replay from World UNITY Week) hosted by Noel Marshall & Bob Warner & Guests
June 24: "The World Is My Country" FILM and Q & A with the Director Arthur Kanegis as a part of World UNITY Week - NOT YET AVAILABLE
June 17: Ageless Wisdom and Trauma Healing in Turbulent Times with Dr. Marty K. Casey hosted by Dot Maver
June 10: Let's DO Something! - World UNITY Week with Ben Bowler hosted by Annie Spade and Tex Albert
May 27: Understanding the journey through a global hypnosis! with Jane Sorbi hosted by Bob Warner
May 20: What is your identity if not your name? with Mandi Solk hosted by Karen Trujillo-Heffernan
May 13: EMBODIED LIVING: What does this mean, how can we do it, what can it help? with Shawna Emerick hosted by Patrick Heffernan
May 6: LOVE first. Always with Tracie Jae hosted by Karen Trujillo-Heffernan
April 22: Family Food Traditions & How they impact our Personal ; Familial & Global Communities with Karen Trujillo-Heffernan hosted by Bob Warner
April 22: Give the Earth Back to the Arms of Love with Victoria and Ron Friedman hosted by Noel Marshall and Bob Warner
April 15: Past Lives & Akashic Records with David Barnett hosted by Kathy Mason
April 8: Weaving Ancient Wisdom: Hoops in Harmony with Chief Daniel Ramos, Alda Glover and Grandmother Iya Tahirah hosted by Shelley Darling
April 1: Choose Only Love with Sebastian Blaksley hosted by Elliott Robertson
March 25: What's In Your Head & On Your Mind with John Riemer hosted by Dr Catherine Riemer
March 18: DNA Activator & Intuitive with Shirley Bolstok hosted by Noel Marshall and Bob Warner
March 11: Test Driving While Black with Sekou Writes hosted by Noel Marshall and Bob Warner
March 4: Dinacharya - Aligning to Nature's Rhythms with Patrick Heffernan hosted by Karen Trujillo-Heffernan
February 25: Where Eagles Fly: Singing the Hoop of Many Hoops with Shelley Darling hosted by Elaine Silver
February 11: What's It All About, Alfi? with Rev. Gene Ferrara hosted by Zachary Johnson
February 4: The Chrysalis: Native and White in One Breath with Dr. Catherine Swan Reimer hosted by Zachary Johnson
January 28: Holding the High Watch with Elaine Silver hosted by Rev. Toni LaMotta
January 21: The Healing Power of Love with Zachary Johnson hosting by Annie Spade & Karen Trujillo-Heffernan
January 14: 2020 HINDSIGHT: Its Pearls & Perils with Karen Trujillo-Heffernan and Friends