2015 CCC Teleconference Replay Directory
January 1st: Barbara Marx Hubbard hosted by Noel Marshall / Bob Warner
January 15th: GOOD of the WHOLE Premiere! Julie Krull, Nina Patrick and Shelley Darling
February 5th: Darlis Mayes hosting Janet Royko with Messages from the Arcturians
February 19th: Lisa Jeanne Vunk on Sacred Sexuality
March 5th: Suzanne Strisower on Awakening To Your Purpose
March 19th: Mark Porteous on Inspired Messenger Network
April 2nd: Grandfather Marshall "Golden Eagle" Jack hosted by Shelley Darling
April 16th: TC North on Fearless Leadership
May 7th: Convergence Reunion ! (with attendees of prior Convergences)
May 21st: Egypyt Spirit Family Reunion
June 4th: Stephan Coutts hosted by Lisa Jeanne Vunk
June 18th: Eyal Karoutchi hosted by Juliana Del Mar
July 2: Convergence 2015 Prep Call !
August 6: Shajen Joy Aziz - author of Discover The Gift
August 20: Sharron Rose - Producer of the breakthrough movie The Last Avatar - hosted by Kathy Mason
September 3, 2015: Shvasti - hosted by Jane Sibbett
September 17, 2015: Barbara Marx Hubbard and Laura George, The Oracle Institute
October 1, 2015: Mare Cromwell talks of The Great Mother
October 15 2015: Kiara Windrider hosted by Kathy Mason
November 5, 2015: Dr. Don Pet talks about Einstein's solution to World Peace
November 19, 2015: Kristina Wood hosted by Kathy Mason
December 3, 2015: Clare Dakin hosted by Shelley Darling
December 17, 2015: Marian Head